Monday, November 6, 2017

Tortillas - The dollar Stretching Wonder Bread

By the nature of my vocation I am often living for months or years at a time as what we call in the Army, a "Geographic Bachelor". I am again living in a barracks room away from my family. So I noticed something that is almost always in my refrigerator; tortillas. I am not Hispanic and I didn't grow up eating Mexican food. But sometime in my early Army career I started buying tortillas. Why, you ask? Because they are the perfect way to stretch your food dollars. It all depends where you shop of course, and sale prices, but generally they are cheap. I like the 10 inch flour ones best. 

What goes into a tortilla? Pretty much anything. If I have any sort of left over meat I slice it up, add lettuce, onions, tomatoes, grated cheese, and some salsa and presto, a healthy, filling meal. Peanut butter and jelly is great on a tortilla. Lunch meat and cheese, also very good. If you are traveling, hiking, fishing, or hunting a tortilla "roll-up" is handier to eat on the go, packs better, and gets less damage. I roll up whatever is going in the shell then roll that in aluminum foil. If you have health concerns about aluminum, as I do, lay a piece of wax paper or parchment on the foil first so the food does not come in contact with the aluminum.

Tortillas have far more calories than regular, fluffy bread, which is mostly air. More calories in less space at a cheaper price is always a good deal (unless you are trying to lose weight). 

 With a pack of the larger, burrito size tortillas, a can of refried beans, some onions and shredded cheese, you can make a dozen cheese and bean burritos in the oven for less than six dollars. My kids love them.

Check them out and use your imagination.

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